An ALL DAY EVENT starting at 11 AM
Current Pot Splash:
Fundraiser for
Pasado's Safe Haven

Welcome to the official website of the West Seattle Cup, an IFPA sanctioned Pinball Tournament utilizing the PinGolf format, scheduled for September 2nd, 2024. Our tournament serves as a fundraiser for Pasado's Safe Haven, a worthy cause close to our hearts.
Up to 72 players will gather for a day of competitive fun, navigating their way through 18 qualifying "holes" of PinGolf, with their sights set on securing one of the 24 finals slots on their way to the top 4 in two skill divisions. Located at The Admiral Pub in West Seattle, this event is open to players of all skill levels.
Join us in the spirit of camaraderie and competition as we come together to support Pasado's Safe Haven through the West Seattle Cup.
Pre-registration is highly encouraged. Player capacity = 72 Players.
Onsite registration only available if all slots are not filled or due to no-shows. Waitlist will be made available if we are fully registered.

About Pasado's Safe Haven

Pasado's Safe Haven rescues animals from cruelty and brings them to safety at our sanctuary in Monroe, Washington. The organization started in memory of Pasado, a sweet donkey brutally killed at a local petting zoo. Pasado's death created a movement for change. Now, decades later, his legacy fuels our work to help animals live free from abuse. We advocate for better laws to protect animals and educate the public about how we can end animal suffering. Join us. With your help, we can stop animal suffering, save lives, foster compassion, and inspire humans to be kind.

Can't attend the event but still want to donate?
Entry Fees:

or higher

or lower
Entry fees due on day of event
Complete the form below to pre-register for the West Seattle Cup.
Pre-registration guarantees a player one of the 72 open qualifying slots.
Pre-registered players must arrive and pay their entry fee by 11:30 AM on the day of the event or risk losing their spot to standby players.
pre-Registered players
Updates daily
43275 |
47285 |
70949 |
Alyssa Moyer |
Amber Roy |
Andrea Peterson |
Andrew Stauffer |
Ashley Weaver |
Ben Simmons |
Bob Lyman |
Brandon Chandler |
Brian Chesbrough |
Casey Benton |
Chase Martin |
Chloe LeGrow |
Chris Borgstadt |
Chris Harrington |
Clinton Peterson |
Cory Lampe |
Dave Stewart |
David Chernicoff |
David Johnston US |
Emily Young |
Guadalupe Bryan |
Gus Voss |
Jaran Jones |
Jo Gagliardi |
Josh Samson |
Joshua chandler |
Kelli Goins |
Kevin Skerl |
Lonnie Langford |
Marisa Fulmer |
Mason Dunbar |
Matt Korsmoe |
Matt strzelecki - 83185 |
Matthew Harjo |
Max Davidoff |
Michael Gray 17400 |
Michael Rausch |
Michael Ulmen |
Phillip Saltzman |
Tom Walsh WA |
Vanessa Ish |
September 2, 2024 - 11 AM
11 AM
Sign in & Pay
Raffle tickets on sale
Grab a food and drinks
Machines open for practice until 11:45
Limit practice time to 5 minutes per machine
See Sign-In
7:00 PM
Top 24 players across two Divisions advance to the finals.
Finals start time is estimated.
See Finals for complete format details.
11:45 AM
Opening Announcements
Opening announcements
About Pasado's
Tournament format and rules
First group and hole assignments
11:oo PM
Finals completion time is estimated
Winners awarded prizes and trophies.
Much revelry will be had.
See Payouts & Prizes & Sponsors
12:00 PM
Play begins on assigned holes with assigned groups of 3 or 4.
New groups will be assigned every 3 holes.
Holes will NOT be played in order, but rather per a drawn schedule.
Quick Break and Raffles after every 3 holes.
Last raffles to be held between Qualifiers & Finals.
West Seattle Cup is proud to partner with the following organizations to help raise money for Pasado's Safe Haven.
Current Pot Splash:
2024 Pot Splash Sponsors
2024 Raffle Sponsors
Tournament Details
Age 21+
Player cap = 72
Onsite registration will be available until 11:45 if spots are open or there are any no-shows.
Waitlist will be available once player cap is reached
Entry Fee Breakdown
$20 entry fee due on the day of the event ($10 for IPR 3 or under)
Where your entry fee goes:
$7 to pot
$8 to Pasado's Safe Haven
$5 covers, trophies, advertising, and other event related costs
Pay, & Practice
is open from 11 AM until 11:30 AM.
$20 Entry fee due ($10 for IPR 3 and under) upon sign-in.
Onsite registration will be available from 11:30 until 11:45 if there are openings.
Machines open for practice until 11:45.
Please limit practice time to 5 minutes per machine to allow other players to practice.
18 "holes" (aka pinball machines) of PinGolf
Players will join groups of 3 or 4 and play with that group for 3 holes.
Each hole will have a target score posted on the backglass.
A player's score (a.k.a. "Strokes") per hole is equal to number of balls it takes to achieve the target score. Achieve the target score with one ball and you get a hole-in-one!
You will have 5 balls on each hole to achieve the target score.
These holes will be set up with no ball save, no extra balls, and competition mode... but you have 5 balls ☺️.
Players who do not achieve a hole's target score within 5 balls will be given either 6 or 7 strokes based on the ranges posted.
Players record scores on group scoresheet.
After 3 holes (about an hour), groups turn in scoresheets.
Every hour, we will take a quick break (time permitting) and raffle off some amazing prizes from our sponsors.
Fresh player groups and new sets of 3 holes will be assigned each hour.
After 6 rounds of 3 holes each, every player will have played 18 different holes.
This will ensure you get to play with a wide variety of people over the course of the day.
First plunges will begin at 12 Noon sharp
Players will have 3 minutes to get to their games! There is a lot of pinball to get to!
Up to 48 total players = Top 16 advance to finals
Over 48 total players = Top 24 advance to finals
Players in two Divisions will advance to the finals
Division A
Top 16 players with lowest qualifying scores
(Top 12 if under 48 players) -
Open to all IPR levels
Division B
Next 8 players
(4 if under 48 players) -
Open to IPR 3 and under
Finals Format
Division A - 16 players
Top 8 Div A payout:
Win a cash percentage of the pot.
Bottom 8 DIV A payout:
Win an Admiral Pub gift card
Division B - 8 players
Top 4 DIV B payout:
Win a cash percentage of the pot
Bottom 4 DIV B payout:
Win an Admiral Pub gift card
& Rulings
West Seattle Cup will use the PAPA / IFPA Competition Ruleset.
Refer to the PAPA / IFPA Ruleset Quick Reference Guide for a TLDR; overview of the rules.
No practice between games.
TDs have right to change format in real-time for extraneous circumstances including scheduling or mechanical issues.
If a machine experiences a malfunction that cannot be immediately repaired, or if one hole causes a backlog, TDs reserve the right to remove that machine. All groups will skip that machine in that scenario. If more than 80% of players have already completed that hole, their scores will stand. The remaining players who have not recorded a score on the removed hole will receive the average score for that hole.
If there is a major malfunction (ie unfair loss of ball), then a compensation ball will be provided and strokes adjusted accordingly.
Players are responsible for getting to their games within 3 minutes at the start of the round and within 1 minute anytime thereafter during the round. Please notify a TD if a player is missing after that time. TD may provide a warning/penalty as follows:
First time late - Warning
Second late - Disqualification on that hole.
Third late - Disqualification from tournament.
2306 California Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98116
Venue Phone Number:
(206) 933-9500